It is revolving every year...
I wonder whom remembers mine..
Just like how i remembers theirs..
How much do you know about me..
what we could have been, 1:16 AM.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
练习是一个运动员不能荒废的功课 。
Dreams are getting further and further...
One day eventually everything will end...
Everything would just be as normal as it would be..
How far can i go?
what we could have been, 12:05 AM.
Starting work tmr..
Working at Infocom Development Authority of Singapore..
Suntec Tower 3 11th floor
Monday to Friday..
Anyone whom is free can accompany me for lunch there..
Working till october 10...
Gonna be there for quite a some time..
There seems so cool..
No desktop...
Everywhere is Laptop..
Got to use the Laptop there too..
Wish me luck all..
what we could have been, 9:07 PM.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Wheres ur Birthday cake??
what we could have been, 6:05 PM.
This is the shorts that i have bought from MANGO..
Thanks sophia for helping me get the black colour..
If not i am going to buy the brown one instead.
My auntie bought for me the long jeans from MANGO as well...
However, there is a need for alteration so no pics yet..
Alter because the length is too long already...
I know i have short legs. .=X

My auntie also bought for me this long pants from Esprit as well..
Dont ask me why is it all black..
I just got no idea..
Maybe in this way, i would be able to slimmer??..

Well, time to rush for the Internship Report...
what we could have been, 12:05 PM.
I was damn lucky to the max..
Thanks god..
I guess you heard my prayers to you..
I really hate her to the max...
That idoit bird and b***h...
How can u treat my friends in this way..
Have you ever tot of how hard they had work for it..
You wanted them to stay is to help them or is it just a plainless excuse to ask them to help you finish whatever you needed to..
We know that you wanted to ask them stay as you know the thingy is ending...
You are such a selfish person..
If you was like kindly explain the situation to us, we will definitely stay..
Why must you be in this way..
Dont you believe in Karma?..
Dont you know the consequences for them?
Dont you have a heart?..
I seriously dont understand why do you wanna befall all this to them..
Did you ever think about it?
Aren't you being cruel?
What happen if this happpen to your kid..
Do you want people to have a compassion heart too??
This world seems hopeless..
Everyone put the "ME" on top of everything..
It seems that it is getting much more difficult to understand and live in this world..
Hey, you two..
I hope that you will really stay happy
Do not let this setback influence you
Let this be the milestones of the life long journey..
Take care..
what we could have been, 8:40 PM.