Please let me go back to school..
I am dying to go back to school..
I miss the food there..
I miss the peeps there..
I miss everything there..
Staying in citibank..
Food in suntec expensive..
People there is nothing compared to my peeps..
Please let me go back to school..
what we could have been, 2:36 PM.
So stupid need to write e-journal during my attachment.
Anyway this is wad i wrote...
Write about your SIP experience as follows:
Section A: A summary of the happenings between the last time you wrote in the journal and now in not more than 200 words.
Section B: Tell us what you have learned from formal training, work assigned to you or from observing your co-workers in the office. Elaborate on the incident(s) that contribute to your learning. Develop this section in not more than 200 words.
Section C: How well do you perform in SIP? How can you improve on your performance? Tell us in not more than 200 words.
Section D: How you feel. Tell us your most sincere evaluation of yourself, your environment, your co-workers or your bosses. What you say here is and will be strictly between you and I (your LO). If you are treated unfairly, tell us about it. If you were wronged and there's no place to vent your frustration, write it here and we will try our best to address it. If something happened at home and you are unable to concentrate at work, tell us about it. No word limit, and if you are perfectly happy, just tell us that things have been great, you are enjoying yourself.
Section A:
This is the first time I am writing the journal. It has been one week of work in Citibank. The environment is great. Everyone in Citibank is young and bubbly and most importantly they have the inner strive for work thus I am motivated by them too. At first during my interview I get to choose from sales or admin, I chose admin. Therefore the first day I am assigned to train admin jobs first and they had told that there would be one from admin and will transferred to sales. By the end of the third day, I was the lucky one that was transferred to telemarketing sales. Although this was not was I have chosen by I felt lucky as after I saw what the admin was doing, I am glad to be in sales team.
Section B:
For the first day of work, we learnt about code of conduct in Citibank. We know the seriousness of leaking out sensitive information. Sensitive documents are not supposed to be lying around the desk when we are away from the desks and this includes lunch time, toilets break and after work. We also have taken two code of conduct test each on the first and second day and the passing mark is 80%. I am so glad that I have passed with 95%. We also learnt about the products, the structure of the organization and telemarketing guidelines. There is also a test on the products on the fourth day of work for the sales only which includes how we use the systems and remembering the codes by hard. The passing mark is also 80% and I got 92%. When we are there to practice the system, we saw how the full time sales staff work. They are so fast in using the system and as well as calculations. They are actually split into teams and each team is competing with each other. I can see the team leader walking around and encourage the team members.
Section C:
For the first few days of work, we are still training. The only way to evaluate how well I have performed is through the tests and the role-play. Not forgetting role-play, this is a real way to see if we have understood everything. We will each get a partner, one of them will be the customer and the other would be the sales relationship officer. The customer would keep reject the product and the sales relationship officer would counter and persuade the customer to buy the product. I think the way to improve on the role-play is to improve on my scripts and as well as practice it with my family members and as well as those who are in sales too.
Section D:
Overall I am happy and glad to be attached to Citibank. The staffs there are exceptionally helpful. There was once, we remember that we are supposed to carry some boxes to the tenth floor and we realized the phone outside the door is spoiled. Since we are carrying boxes, we did not bring our mobile phone and thus we are stuck outside the door and were desperate as we do not have the pass to enter. There just in time, there was a lady coming out, we told us our problem and she use the extension number that we have given her to call the staffs to come out to let us in. We really thanked the lady a lot. I loved the environment, the staff and everything.
I crappz all the way through in the afternoon.. hahas..
what we could have been, 9:22 PM.
HaHas.. I went to work at 2p.m.
So happy.. Did the test too..
I pass... 92%
So happy.. Did the roleplay again..
This time cherbelle is the customer..
Casper going to suffer rejections from her..
But she is very nice..
She tells us how to counter all the rejection by the customer..
I really learn alot..
Whoo hoo..
6p.m finish work..
Take care all...
what we could have been, 7:58 PM.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Three days of work already.
The training in citibank is hell man.
If only i was in admin, training wouldnt be that bad.
So many things to remember.
Test on mon, tues and tomorrow.
WHAT THE ****!!
I didnt know that interns also need to have tests.
And the passing marks is 80%
WHAT THE **** **** **** ****!!
Anyway i saw Adeline at work.
She is doing data entry.
1hr 7bucks.
Ooo Hoo.
Thats alot.
Thanks god, the training is ending tomorrow
but i am going to start work on FRIDAY.
I am so scared working sales.
How i wish i wasn't convert to sales.
what we could have been, 6:29 PM.
Tomorrow gonna be my first day of work so wish me luck..
Not gonna say much coz i ought to be sleeping by now..
Nights all..
Take care
Tomorrow is a brand new day with a brand new start..
what we could have been, 11:55 PM.
After much thinking of everything, I think is true that competitive basketball is really not my cup of tea. To many, it may sound easy like bouncing the ball but actually it acquire more understand than that and especially teamwork and experience. Experience is something that you have to build slowly through years of training and hard work but I guess I am lacking of this. That is why most of time when I am in training; I do not know most of the shit out of it. I think I just have to be trained from the basic.
I used to struggle between netball and basketball. I used to have the mentality that if you are good in netball, things would be somehow easier when you play basketball. This is not the case, basketball is a contact game and netball isn’t. There are more things basketball is rather different from netball and so when comes to basic, basketball needs much more time and is more difficult to learn.
Well, through days of thinking, I finally know. Yes, I can’t blame everything on experience but is just that I am lazy, too tired to think and improve on it.
No one is to blame but myself.
what we could have been, 12:25 PM.
hmmm... today was like a stupid day where i did absolutely nothing but finding for a scanner to scan the pictures to complete my 1st exam paper..
This sucks..
No scanner found..
Nothing done..
Anyone have scanner at home, please let me know..
Been feeling quite down this few days..
Guess my menses are coming..
Bare with all my complains..
what we could have been, 12:25 AM.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Dear headache, can you please please stay away from me..
This headache is killing me..
Spent the whole afternoon typing my stuffs...
And i realised that i seriously need the SCANNER..
Perharps going to school tomorrow to scan all the pictures...
Just had dinner, going to cheers now..
what we could have been, 7:58 PM.
Hmm... Yesterday was SIP launch...
Therefore i can meet my friends in school again..
Really miss them alot...
After the briefing, we are going to meet our liaison officer and mine is Mr Kelvin Lim
In my classroom, most of us is Citibank..
Only Terence, Derrick and Azim is not attached to citibank..
At first Azim tot that he is also attached to citibank because he went for the interview too..
But to his surprised, he is not attached to citibank..
I can feel that he is kindda sad but at least he have a company right..
Those whom are in citibank were
C.K, Megan, Yvonne, Shermaine, Rachel, me and one more girl..
Forget her name already...
So we planned to meet 9.20a.m at city hall as our first day of work which is a monday is at 10a.m Crys... Got to wake up early already...
After meeting with my liaison officer, megan and i went to meet farhana, melissa lim, ze hui they all..
Farhana went to CAAS legal department which means the location is at Changi Airport..
She did not choose that so she felt quite sad...
Melissa Lim was attached to International Enterprise Singapore...
This isn't the choice that she wants too..
And there she is freaking out the whole day coz she need to develop second life...
Ze hui went to URS alliances but after the whole SIP launch, Ms Lim told her that there was some administrative problems and therefore she got no company now..
I felt sad for her..
I think she definitely freak out at that time when Ms Lim broke the news to her...
The few of us after meeting each other, we went mensa to eat but farhana and effendi did not coz they do not have muslim food there and mensa is the only food court that is open...
Melissa Lim and I have softshell crabs...
Megan had western food...
Ze hui have Kway Chap...
After eating, we went for the Business Etiquette talk...
The man was freaking funny and he is real damn good that he capture out attention for one whole hour..
He is the course manager of CCM...
Claps for him..
After that was Business Communication talk..
Well the speaker was Mrs Mary Thomas and it was abit boring..
Everyone was waiting for the time to go home..
After the whole SIP launch..
Farhana, Melissa, Yong Qing and me went to Genki Sushi to eat..
Yong Qing is there to entertain us and make us laugh alot...
Then i went back to Yishun and accompany my mum to eat and in addition meeting my friend to pass me my belated birthday present which is a black RALPH LAUREN polo tee..

Thanks pal..
what we could have been, 2:37 PM.
Love feels no burden,
thinks nothing of trouble,
attempts what is above its strength,
pleads no excuse of impossibility...
It is therefore able to undertake all things,
and it completes many things,
and warrants them to take effect,
where he who does not love would faint and lie down.
Love is watchful and sleeping, slumbered not.
Though weary, it is not tired;
though pressed, it is not straitened;
though alarmed, it is not confounded...
what we could have been, 8:37 PM.
I lost my live journal username and password...
keep trying but it didnt work..
Den my IP address was blocked by the LIVEJOURNAL..
This is S-H-I-T...
Didnt have a chance to comment on K.L blog...
Anyway.. i am looking for a place that i can do facial..
Best is that the place is nearer to my house..
Anyone out there can recommend ??
what we could have been, 7:49 PM.
Wake up in the noon..
Play my psp again..
Completing the game soon..=D
Played mahjong ytd..
Lose the chips but not the worst loser...
Luckily we didnt play real money if not i'll feel real sad..
Went out cheers after playing mahjong..
There is a stray kitten whom tried to follow me around..
I keep walking another path but it kept following me instead of others..
What a DAY!!
what we could have been, 3:05 PM.
Wake up at noon..
Nothing to do..
Everything before attachment is so boring...
My aunt found a home-based typing job for me but there is only one assignment..
Going her house to take the materials on friday..
Dunno if my friends are going SINGING today..
I doubt so...
Rotting and still rotting further..
what we could have been, 1:36 PM.